Welcome Samantha
It was a pleasure building your site. Maybe we can get together this week so I can show you how to post but I'll try my best to break it down for you.
You'll log in to sqaurespace and you can post there on your computer.
They also have a squarespace blog app for iPhone. Not sure about your device but check your app store and you can also post from the internet browser on your phone.
Make sure when you're posting to put the post in the appropriate section..whether it be food, travel, diary or fun. All post will show up on the home page when they are new but we want to be sure that people can find old posts in their rightful place.
LOOK AROUND THE ENTIRE SITE... THE BLOG POST OPTIONS AND BUTTONS..YOU HAVE FULL CONTROL...Tagging, categories.. all of it is in important... so look at everything before you publish your first post and feel free to let me look over it so I can make sure you aim for its full reach. You can also schedule post if you're up late one night and want it to post when everyone wakes up. It's so much you can do.
Also we can attach your instagram so you can send me that information when you're ready and I can tag it to your site!